This can be even more frustrating if you’re trying to help your partner see the positives of a negative situation, and they shut you down. Whether you’re married, looking for love, in a new relationship, or long-term relationship, our articles and digital products can help you achieve your relationship goals. I am also a hopeful romantic and a firm believer in true love. In fact, I love the idea of being in love and enjoying intimate moments with someone special. They need more time to be sure that they’re doing the right thing.

I Love My Partner—But Could There Be Someone Better?

Perhaps without realizing that they are even doing that, most people fully intend to do just that when they make a long-term commitment. They feel good about the promises they are making and, even knowing that they are bound to feel some misgivings and worries in the future, they are at ease with their decision. Thinking that a relationship will eventually lose its luster because all discovery is over and boredom will inevitably set in is the innate terror of many seeking long-term partnerships. Those who have known the joy of new and limitless wonder of a new relationship only to see it become lackluster and predictable are, understandably, fearful that will happen again.

Maybe they just haven’t given a long-term relationship much thought. Difficulty becoming vulnerable might mean your partner just needs time. If you’re looking for commitment, these responses often indicate that the person you’re seeing may not be able to offer what you want and need. They might know all of your friends but never introduce you to any of theirs.

No atom of doubt about your love

If your partner’s philosophies or core values are not consistent with yours, it can result in misunderstandings. What makes compatible couples is the presence of absolute and concrete trust between them. Lack of confidence is a product of doubt in love between you and your partner or spouse.

But later, when you think about it, you begin to feel anxious and wonder what that means or what comes next. Furthermore, feelings of commitment can develop as a response to feelings of worry or fear over losing a partner. Wanting to date casually and avoid serious relationships doesn’t automatically mean you’re afraid of commitment. You might have one reason for this, or you might have several. This typically refers to an inability to talk about the future or lack of desire to take the next steps when a relationship begins to progress throughout time. Commitment issues may make it challenging to make the relationship go forward or last.

Texting is quick, easy, and available internationally, so you should be getting a steady stream of texts in between rendezvous if this person’s into you. “When two people are in a committed, exclusive relationship, it’s only natural and normal to tell each other where you are going and where you are,” Daniels said. “If you find that your significant other is being secretive with you or just evasive, the relationship probably isn’t as exclusive as you thought it was.” If your significant other only seems to communicate with you Monday through Friday during business hours, it could be a sign that you two are not in an exclusive relationship. Most people would agree loving someone means accepting them as they are. This acceptance becomes even more important when your partner lives with depression.

If you put yourself out there and end up getting your heart broken, you shouldn’t take it as a sign you’re unlovable. There are a million other people out there who would be excited to get to know you. Even if things don’t work out with this crush, it could work out beautifully with the next one. Sustained communication is key to sexual wellness and satisfaction, according to Cooper. Cooper suggests carving out time, either weekly or biweekly, to discuss feelings around the sexual relationship or relationship as a whole.


But someone who leads a busy lifestyle might be a good fit if you know you need a lot of space and alone time. Look at apartments or houses together, if that’s where your relationship is headed. This can be as simple as taking a walk in a neighborhood you like and thinking about what it would be like to share that space with your partner. If you and your partner both want your relationship to succeed but one or both of you have commitment fears, it can help to develop committed habits together. Intimacy and commitment aren’t the same, but they often relate to each other.

Going together to talk with a counselor or sex therapist may be helpful. “When discussions around sexuality and eroticism lead to escalating arguments, I’d recommend seeing a sex therapist who is trained to guide partners to talk about intimacy issues,” says Cooper. The following signs could suggest you’re dating someone who has some commitment fears.

Ultimately, no, you should not stay with someone you don’t fancy. But before you come to that conclusion, you owe yourself, your partner, and the time you’ve spent together to put in your best effort at salvaging the relationship. This is particularly true if children are involved. Don’t automatically shoot someone down because you’re not sure of your feelings for them.

This doesn’t mean that you’re an awful person, it just means that maybe you’re not a good match. Compatibility, unlike chemistry, is more tangible and measurable. You don’t have to be physically together to find out if you’re compatible so long as everyone is honest. “If you have a deep, ingrained desire to have a family of your own, it’s a mistake to think this is something that will go away in your mind or heart,” Sophy Singer, a matchmaker at Tawkify tells Bustle. It’s totally possible to date someone who doesn’t share your religion, especially if you and your partner aren’t super religious. But as Bergstein says, many of her clients won’t even go on a first date with someone who doesn’t practice their religion, as it would mean being with a person who doesn’t share their values.

Signs You Need To Take A Break From Dating

But without them, a healthy relationship will still stand. It’s perfectly ok to casually date someone you are not sure about. For many people, love grows over time or through friendship.